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St. John Lutheran Church

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

“A Caring Congregation in a Growing Community”

8020 South Park Road
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494
(715) 423-7788

St. John Lutheran Parish Cemetery

Wisconsin Rapids (Kellner), Portage County, Wisconsin

Data and Photo Directory

A-G | H-K | L-R | S-Z | Unknown

Directory Information

St. John Lutheran Parish Cemetery was established in 1866.

All visible markers were photographed and recorded. Markers that are missing were also recorded using information from the church cemetery index file. Names are listed in alphabetical order.

The church is located at 8020 South Park Road, Wisconsin Rapids, WI and the cemetery is one half mile east of the church on South Park Road. Here is a map of the church and cemetery location.

For a detailed plot map or more information contact the church office at 715-423-7788 or

Cemetery Index File: Leona Eberhardt & Sue Alft (recorded and maintained since 1976)
Plotted Map: Sue Alft (drawn in 2004)
Digital Photographers: Roswald Pietz, Daniel Pietz, Ron Zager
Web Developer: Brian Zager
Transcriber: Laurel Zager, Jeff Gellerman

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