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St. John Lutheran Church

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

“A Caring Congregation in a Growing Community”

8020 South Park Road
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494
(715) 423-7788

Member Organizations and Activities

Adult Choir

The adult choir leads the congregation in singing and provides special music for the worship services, especially during the holidays. The choir meets on Monday evenings at 6:30 PM. The choir is open to any church member who enjoys singing. New members are always welcome. During the year other activities are planned, such as caroling at Christmas.

Advent by Candlelight

(Ladies only event)
Advent by Candlelight is a glorious event that starts our Advent Season. The Advent message is shared through heartfelt and meaningful scripture, music and song. Hostesses provide a beautifully decorated and unique table setting, along with delicious desserts to all who attend. Open to all church members, friends and relatives. Please join us for this very special time.

Adult Bible Study

Various Adult Bible Studies are held during the year. Several groups meet at different times and places. Watch the bulletin and newsletter for information.

Altar Guild

The responsibility of the Altar Guild is to place appropriate altar linens on the altar, prepare the communion ware and candles for the services, set out the flowers, and put the "We Care Cards" in the hymnal racks. If you would be interested in supplying fresh flowers anytime during the year, feel free to sign up on the flower chart on the north bulletin board.

A-MEN Men's Night Out

A-men is the name of a group of men in the Amherst, Stevens Point and Kellner areas that are centered around doing Christian servant events, doing positive things in the lives of others and having fun while they perform them. This group meets on the fourth Tuesday evening of each month at 6:30 PM at various sites depending on what event they have planned for the month.

Bulletin Sponsorship

If you desire to donate $15.00 for the cost of printing the weekly bulletin, please sign up on the north bulletin board. You may make the donation in honor of a birthday, anniversary or memorial. More than one person can be signed up for the same date. Place payment in an envelope marked “BULLETIN.” Enclose your name if you would like it published along with your personal message. Give your envelope to an elder or place in the offering plate. You may also mail or drop it off at the church office.

Children’s Education Program

Weekday School classes are held for children age 4 through grade 8 on Wednesday from 6:30 PM until 7:45 PM during the school year. Children of the Weekday School sing and play hand chimes in the services several times a year and are also involved in a Christmas Program. A Vacation Bible School Program is offered for one week in the summer.

Church Library Media Center

Our church library is located in the narthex of church and is available for your use. Members of the library committee maintain and promote the use of our church library. They have selections for both children and adults. When checking out library books sign and date card found in book pocket and place card in small “check in” file box. When returning library books place them in the drop off basket. The committee welcomes donations of books in good condition or any suggestions. All profits from the fall book sale are used to purchase new books and media items for the library. New members are always welcome to join the library committee.

Compassionate Friends

Our purpose is to bring a feeling of hope, comfort and strength to those in need, by bringing them God’s word: “so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort, too.” 2 Corinthians 1:5. Our group makes visits to shut-ins in their homes, assisted living and nursing homes. We also send cards for those needing prayer. Booklets regarding help in dealing with illness are sent and booklets regarding how to deal with grief are sent after a funeral. We are also able to provide prayer lap robes or shawls to those in need. Pew cards are to be used if any of these services are needed, or you may call the church office. We provide services to church members and also non-members.

Decorating Committee

Various groups decorate the church for Christmas and other occasions.

Funerals and Cemetery Use

The congregation is divided alphabetically into three groups with a chairman for each group to organize and serve a luncheon following a funeral service if the family so desires. Each group, in turn, is asked to donate food for the luncheon. The congregation maintains a cemetery for the burial of its members.


Greeters are members of our congregation who are willing to say a special "Welcome" to those who attend our worship services. The members of this group greet one service each month. New greeters are most welcome. Share your cheerful smile and welcome visitors and members to our worship services.

Knit and Crochet Group

If you like to knit or crochet or would like to learn how this group meets the first Wednesday of the month at 1:00 PM. Bring your yarn, needles and hooks. Patterns, extra yarn, needles and instructors are available. Sit relax and share as we work on projects together. Hats, mittens, scarfs, afghans and other items needed will be donated to local and world mission organizations.

Lutheran Women in Mission

Lutheran Women in Mission have monthly meetings with various topics, Bible studies and speakers. They also belong to the Lutheran Women's Missionary League and participate in Zone 17 rallies and conventions. Some of the church events the Lutheran Women in Mission are involved in are the Spaghetti Supper, Easter Breakfast, Maundy Thursday Soup/Sandwich Luncheon, Fall Harvest/Bake Sale and Cookie/Candy Walk. This group also organizes and serves dinner for the Neighborhood Table and gives financial gifts to our church, the community, the nation, and world missions. Please call the church office for meeting times or check the newsletter calendar.

Lutheran Women in Mission Greeting Cards for Sale

In the narthex the Lutheran Women in Misson has numerous selections of cards and boxed card sets. To purchase place money in container provided. Special orders are welcomed.

Memorial Committee

The Memorial Committee receives suggestions and ideas for projects and items from the congregation for the benefit of the church. Memorial donations may be either non-designated or designated for a specific item or project. The Committee allocates both non-designated and designated contributions.

Sunday Scripture Readers

Volunteers read the scripture lessons for the church service.

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